A People Caring and Sharing Business
GARY: Back to the Seed to Seal; there’s more to it than just planting seeds. Young Living is about planting seeds in human life.

Members from all over Europe visit the new distillery in Croatia during a helichrysum harvest.
MARY: Yes! That’s the truth!
GARY: That’s what I wish for all of us to keep in mind. There’s more to Young Living than just one aspect of producing an oil. It includes the lives of the people we touch on our journey through life. Young Living is a different kind of a company. We have a purpose and a mission that are far beyond anything that can be purchased with a dollar bill. This is one of the reasons that I seldom taught marketing in the early days.
Here is our newest distillery in Croatia. How many have been to Croatia? Yes, thank you. A beautiful time.
You folks are the chosen. You’ve paid the dues. You’ve done what it’s taken to get you where you are. Even those of you who are brand new, who are just getting started, are part of something that maybe you don’t totally understand yet, but you feel it. It’s what drew you to the people in Young Living, because we are a people caring and sharing business. I wanted everyone to focus on the caring and sharing of people, not the caring and sharing of money.
I haven’t yet met one person in Young Living who is in Young Living because of the money. You’re in Young Living because of your mission and wanting to be part of a bigger purpose.
This is our distillery in Salalah, Oman. Some of you have been there and have seen this. Stand up. Who has been to our distillery in Oman? Yes! We have seven distillers there now in operation.

Our distillery in Salalah, Oman
This is the sandalwood distillery in Hawaii, and some of you were there last month. It’s a growing proposition as well.
Here is Taiwan.

Dr. Lee and Gary Young with Dr. Lee’s small distiller.
We also have a small operation in Israel that is now starting to grow.

Gary with Israeli partners.