Member Memory of Gary Young: Arlene A.
Since Gary’s passing, many members have shared their memories of him and appreciation for his legacy. Today, we share another memory with you as a way not only to keep his legacy alive but also to inspire others seeking wellness and purpose. Arlene A., a member from Toronto, Canada, shares these memories:
“I have many memories of Gary, having met him over 20 years ago. I first met him in April 1997 when he spoke in Toronto at the Total Health Show. I had already joined Young Living as a member. Hearing him talk for the first time, I was very impressed with his dedication to helping people and with his knowledge of the helpful place in each of our homes that Young Living essential oils could occupy. I saw how he had educated himself about essential oils, learning from the masters at that time and realizing that having our own farms was the best way to always have oils. He was wise in understanding this and showing us that once he learned something, he acted upon it by following through with first one farm and then many more.
“In September 1999 I attended a four-day training event in Toronto at an airport hotel. Gary spoke and taught almost non-stop for three days. He demonstrated uses of the oils and taught Raindrop Technique, and we each had the opportunity to both give and receive a Raindrop massage. Gary taught past the scheduled time, sometimes until 8 p.m.; his energy seemed inexhaustible, and his spirit was so full of generosity! I was very grateful to learn so much from him.
“After that I began to attend Young Living conventions and other trainings in Salt Lake City, Nashville, Washington, and Idaho. In these events, Gary taught the ways that oils could support our emotions. At each event, new products were introduced; it was at one of these trainings that Melissa oil was introduced, and I experienced its impact on an emotional level quite intensely.

Gary Young surrounded by event-goers.
“What I will always remember about Gary was his belief that we can do anything that we decide to do; we are held back only by our own limiting beliefs. The oils are a vehicle to support us in transforming these limiting beliefs to life-sustaining beliefs that serve us better on so many levels.
“Toward this end, Gary also trained us for a firewalk. I remember the visualizations Gary took us through in preparation for that: mine was seeing my feet encased in blocks of ice, like those made during Toronto winters, as I walked over the hot coals. After the firewalk, I had one small burn only at the base of one big toe. This experience showed me that if I could walk on fire, I could do anything!
“During one Toronto visit, Sabina D. arranged a small lunch with Gary for those of us who had achieved the rank of Silver at a downtown vegetarian restaurant. I had the opportunity to talk to Gary in this small group, and I noticed how he was so interested in getting to know me and getting to know each of us personally.
“I had another powerful experience when I did a training in Ecuador with Gary in May 2009 when I went white-water rafting with Gary and a group of other members. It was supposed to be a two- to three-hour trip ending in a shaman’s village. Well, after five or six hours, we arrived at the shaman’s village. Lunch became dinner, and as we ate, I realized that Gary had again taught me that I could do anything! How I used that information became my responsibility.
“Over and over again, at conventions, events, and trainings like these, Gary generously taught us all how to use these amazing essential oils to transform any beliefs and habits that no longer serve us in a helpful way into anything we want. I always focused on being of service to others, and Gary demonstrated this with his love and acceptance of me and with his dedication to always helping others.
“The last time I spoke to Gary was at the Northern Lights farm official opening. Gary walked us through the farm and showed us the harvesting process leading to the production of Northern Lights Black Spruce essential oil, which started with taking down the trees. Gary also had love for these enormous trees, and he demonstrated it by having the machines gently take each tree down and lay it on the earth before it went through the chipper.
“I will always cherish my memories of Gary, as well as all he taught me. His love for us all and his desire for us to be the best we could be was such a gift he gave to me and to all of us.
“Young Living essential oils and all the oil-enhanced products have so enhanced and enriched my life and my family members’ lives. I am grateful to Gary for all he gave to us. I am sad that he left us so early, but I also rejoice that he was here with us for all this time, enduring so much to bring us so much. I believe that Gary’s spirit is so big, so loving, and so kind that he will always be with us. I think of him with joy and celebration.”
Thank you, Gary.
With much love,
Arlene A., M.Ed., R.P., CCA, DCEP
Psychotherapist, Clinical Member OSP
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