It’s All in What We Project
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There is never a thing that comes into your life that isn’t for your betterment. No matter how bad it looks, how ugly it gets, how horrible it seems, every experience you have in life is for your betterment. However, sometimes it’s hard to believe and swallow at the moment.

Gary tells us that even the horrible things in life, like his logging accident, are for our betterment. We must choose to find the good in all circumstances, as Gary has done.
After I came out of the coma, the doctors finally came into my hospital room with my parents and my wife at the time and announced to me that I was paralyzed from the waist down. They said that on the right side I had a severed brachial plexus, a ruptured spinal cord in 3 places, 16 broken or crushed vertebrae, 11 ruptured discs, a broken pelvis, the right scapula was broken in 9 pieces, 19 other broken bones, and 3 open skull fractures, that I would never, ever walk again, and that it would be very unlikely if I even regained 10 percent of the feeling back in my right hand. I couldn’t believe it.
You see, it’s all what you think, it’s all what you project, it’s all what you believe, it’s all what you choose.
Even my own father came in my hospital room one day when I was feeling sorry for myself and shook his finger at me and said, “Grow up, Gary! Accept your fate in life and get on with it the best you can.” Well he knew my personality, he knew I wouldn’t accept it that way, and I didn’t. But that was what pushed the final button to cause me to fight for life and to get out of the wheelchair and walk.