Gary’s Big Surprise at 2014 Convention!
[Editor’s Note: Gary was presenting his 20th Anniversary PowerPoint before this big surprise!]

Gary wrote The One Gift and Shutran’s Ancient Apothecary about the ancient Frankincense Trail. The Essential Oil Desk Reference also has great information about frankincense.
Of course, many of you probably have The One Gift, and Shutran’s Ancient Apothecary, and the EODR, all of which give you a lot of information. The One Gift is a novel that includes a 1,000-year history of the frankincense trails and the caravaners. It’s historically correct; and the locations, timelines, many of the people, and a lot of the actual things that happened were real experiences. So if haven’t read it yet, you will probably enjoy it.
FEMALE VOICE: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Managing Partner of Life Science Publishing, Troie Battles.
TROIE: Gary, I don’t know if you like surprises, but we have a surprise for you. I think

Thanks to the support of Young Living Members and Life Science Publishing, Gary is a best-selling author!
everyone in the audience here today would agree that for the last 20 years Gary has given us gift after gift with the oils and his life-changing products.
GARY: Oh my goodness.
TROIE: So, he doesn’t know what we’ve done for him. We decided we wanted to give you a 20th anniversary gift that was pretty epic, so Life Science Publishing and your Young Living family put together a campaign last week online; and, Gary, if you look at the screen, you are an Amazon No. 1 best-selling author for The One Gift.
GARY: Oh my goodness! Oh!
TROIE: I know. We sold thousands of books, thousands of books for Gary Young. Like he said, we’re living a dream, and this is just the beginning. The next stop will be New York Times best seller list for D. Gary Young. So let’s hear it for him. Thank you, Gary.
GARY: Thank you, Troie. Oh my goodness. Whoa. Oh, that leaky eye syndrome gets in the way sometimes. Well, that was a surprise. When that slide came up I thought—what’s this? I didn’t put this in my presentation. Now I know why they kept coming and taking my computer. Oh, wow. Yes, that is a dream. And all of the net proceeds from that book go to the D. Gary Young Foundation to support the schools. Thank you!