Convention Dreams
I dreamed about this day 25 years ago. I’ve dreamed about the day when we will sit 150,000 strong in the stadium tomorrow.

Over 25 years ago, Gary envisioned crowds like this for a Young Living Grand Convention. He has since dreamed of a Young Living stadium crowd of 150,000! Learn to dream BIG dreams!
A dream is never too big to fulfill. Your dreams will be proportional to the size of your self-belief. If you don’t believe in yourself and you don’t feel good about yourself, then your dreams are going to be tiny. Instead of dreaming about being a Royal Crown Diamond, you’ll be dreaming about being a Star. Or instead of being a Diamond, you’ll dream about being an Executive. Your dreams are proportionate to how you see yourself.
So every day when I get up and walk in the bathroom, I look in the mirror and talk to myself. I talk to myself more than Mary talks to me. It is important to talk to yourself and keep yourself tracking forward. Mary often asks, “Why do you always commit to doing so many things?” Because if I don’t, I won’t do them. It’s as simple as that.
Dreaming for success must become a habit. It’s not an act; it’s a habit. If you want to be successful, then let it become a habit. But spend time learning to dream.