Delicious Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix!

Gary’s Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix will give you a breakfast treat that settles easy on the stomach without that bloated feeling.
Here is our new Einkorn Pancake and Waffle Mix, and some of you had them at our Grand Convention for breakfast. You’ll find they taste even better when you make them at home. They’re so delicious.
Two years ago, before we started eating einkorn, the boys would eat breakfast; and an hour later, they were hungry again. I feed them breakfast now; and two to three hours later, they’re not running in the house hollering, “Mommy, I’m hungry.” Why? It’s because the nutrition was structured by our Creator. He knows our digestive system and He knows our enzymes because He created them; He put them there. He knew when He made the food what had to match so that it would digest and assimilate. He put the nutrients in there that were the right and proper balance for our bodies; so when we eat right, we feel good.
How many of you noticed when you ate your pancakes this morning that you wanted to keep eating, even though you felt satisfied? How many of you noticed that when you walked away after eating that you weren’t bloated? That’s because you were eating pancakes made of the einkorn grain.
Now one of the things that I’ve noticed with a few people, because I serve einkorn to our clients at the clinic in Ecuador, that a couple of individuals when they ate it the first time said, “Well, I kind of felt a little bloated.”
I said, “Just give it a couple of days, and let’s have you take some enzymes.” And here’s the reason why. It’s called muscle memory. You get conditioned to eating something with gluten in it, and immediately you feel full, you have fluid retention. So some people may have that response the first time or two, until the body goes, “Whoa, hey, this is really not what I thought it was.” And that will happen.