Gary Young: The Early Years & The Accident

Raised on a farm in Idaho, Gary Young learned the value and significance of hard work. When he turned 17, Young moved to Canada and began a career in logging and ranching. Six years later at the age of 24, Young suffered a near–fatal logging accident that left him in a coma for three weeks. The accident left Young paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Depression soon set in and worsened until Young decided it was time to make a change.

His decision to take back control of his life started Gary Young on a lifelong personal journey that changed him both physically and emotionally. Three years after the accident, Young regained feeling in his lower body. He began researching and using essential oils to alleviate his pain. Eventually he regained all feeling and mobility.

Thirteen years after the accident, Gary Young ran his first half marathon. His remarkable story of recovery prompted him to start Young Living Essential Oils in order to share his experiences and knowledge of the healing powers of oils with the world.